September means for many people the return to the office and therefore the typical discomfort of those who spend a lot of time sitting in front of a PC or tablet such as joint and muscle pain. Here are some useful suggestions:
Take a break from the computer every hour
To relax your muscles as much as possible and avoid straining your eyes, take a break every hour. Enjoy a coffee, fruit juice or a simple glass of water, make a phone call or go out for a breath of fresh air. At the end of the day your body will thank you.
Use the right chair
To help you maintain the correct posture it is important to choose the right chair. Swivel office chairs with adjustable height and tilting backrest are perfect.
Place your computer screen 70cm from your eyes
In order not to strain your eyesight, it is important to keep the computer monitor at the correct distance: from 50 to 70 centimeters.
Keep your elbows at right angles
Essential to avoid discomfort is to place the chair at the right height to allow the elbows to lean against the desk and form a right angle.
Keep the correct posture when you're seated
Not only the elbows, but the whole posture is important to avoid neck and back pain. When you are at the desk, be careful to keep your torso upright, neck straight, shoulders relaxed, back resting on the chair. Avoid crossing your legs and keep your feet firmly on the floor or a footrest.
Against typical back pain from posture an effective remedy is electromagnetic therapy. Magnetoenergy devices are indicated for lumbosciatica, sciatica and joint pain. Low frequency waves have anti-inflammatory effects, high frequency waves have analgesic effects. In this way they make it possible to treat trauma by relieving inflammation and pain. In a simple, natural and effective way.
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