What they are
Bedsores are lesions of the skin and underlying tissues that can reach, in the most serious cases, even muscles and bones and that are caused by pressure, stretching and friction. The bedsores originate from a prolonged stay in a lying or sitting position that determines a local increase in pressure with a consequent reduction in circulation and oxygen to the tissues.

This is a condition that mainly affects people with mobility problems, such as people who are unable to move independently, in a wheelchair or who have undergone surgery. 
The bedsores occur in different parts of the body, depending on the position taken most frequently by the patient, but in general the areas most widely affected are the sacral region (lower part of the spine), the nape and the heels. 

In most cases, bedsores cause pain and itching, but in patients with weakened sensory functions, injuries, even if severe, may not be accompanied by any painful symptoms.

The diagnosis of bedsores is made by observing the skin. In particular, four different stages can be identified that classify the sores according to their severity: the first stage is that of reddened skin, the second stage is in the presence of a bladder or a small wound, the third stage in the case of a deep wound of the skin with consequent damage to the structures placed under the epidermis, the fourth and last stage is that in which there is damage to muscles and bones. 

If the patient is still in the early stages, it is necessary to restore the correct blood circulation as soon as possible by eliminating the pressure on the skin by mobilizing the person. 
If the patient is already at the third or even fourth stage, it is necessary to proceed with the treatment of the lesions, which involves cleaning the ulcer, the application of a healing ointment and the use of a gauze to protect the lesion. Sometimes, surgery may be necessary to close large wounds. 

Magnetotherapy is an aid in the treatment of bedsores, because it helps to speed up the process of healing from this disease.
Electromagnetic waves, in fact, act by revascularizing the affected area and promoting tissue oxygenation. In this way, the processes of skin repair and healing of the injured area are accelerated and the healing of tissue lesions is promoted.   

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