Since ancient times men have used thermal energy as a therapy to treat pain. The heat and cold, in fact, are able to act on the body relieving discomfort. In the twentieth century the presence of "neural gates" similar to pain gates located in the back of the spinal cord was formulated, which would be stimulated by external agents such as heat and cold. 
Beyond the theories, it is in practice that even today the treatment with thermotherapy appears to be used and effective.

Cold, in particular, is the first intervention therapy in case of trauma because it promotes vasoconstriction. In addition, the decrease in temperature reduces the metabolism of the tissues and slows down the activity of the cells not affected by the trauma, thus preserving their integrity. 
Cold therapy also has a pain-relieving effect because it slows down the speed of pain transmission to the peripheral nerves, thus acting as a sort of local anesthesia.

And the heat? This therapy should be used after the initial inflammation phase, when there is no more swelling or redness.  The heat acts against pain by increasing blood flow and thus promoting the elimination of waste and ensuring a greater supply of repairing substances that help to recover from the trauma. The heat also increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue and increases the elasticity of the muscles.
But, when should we use heat or cold therapy? It all depends on the type of trauma.

With contusion and distortion, apply ice
In the case of a contusion or sprain, it is better to use cold therapy, which reduces blood circulation in the area affected by the trauma and blocks the appearance of edema.

Heat therapy after pain
Once the painful part after a contusion, sprain or tear has stopped, it may be helpful to use heat therapy to promote tissue healing. 

In case of operations use cold therapy
After orthopedic surgery, the cold can be helpful in relieving pain.

Hot to relieve cramping
In case of cramps, an effective remedy is heat, which increases blood circulation and helps to dissolve the muscles and also relieves pain. 

Ice helps in case of tendinitis
In case of tendinitis, cold can be a valid ally thanks to its analgesic action.

The heat after sports training 
Once you have finished a sports session, heat therapy can be helpful in relieving spasms caused by muscle fatigue. The heat, in fact, has a decontracting effect and promotes the elimination of lactic acid that has accumulated in the body with sport.

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