How many things we do with our hands? Lots and lots. Washing, dressing, eating, writing, driving, playing an instrument, working are just some of the many activities we do with our hands. Peripheral organ of the upper limbs of our body, the hand, in fact, is able to perform a large number of movements contributing in a decisive way to what we are and do.

Because of their importance, it is therefore essential that hands are always in good health but, sometimes, they can become the object of diseases and illnesses that affect people of both sexes at different times of life. Among the most common diseases there are carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, inflammation of the tendon lining.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a neuropathy due to compression of the median nerve of the wrist as it passes through the carpal tunnel that causes pain, weakness in the hand and wrist radiating towards the arm.

Arthritis is a very frequent disorder that generates pain and inflammation of a joint. It is called osteoarthritis when three areas of the hand in particular are affected: the base of the thumb, the joint near the fingertips and the median joint of the fingers. In these cases, the fingers stiffen and become sore and swollen until they flex slightly to one side. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can affect the hand and cause pain, stiffness and limitation of movement and function. 

Tendon lining inflammation or tenosynovitis is the inflammation of the sheath of a tendon in the hand whose cause may be tendon injury, stretching or rheumatoid arthritis.

Of course, in all cases the first thing to do is to consult a doctor to diagnose the exact pathology of the hand and identify the most appropriate therapeutic path.

Magnetotherapy is an aid in the treatment of hand diseases, which acts by reducing inflammation and relieving pain. In addition, magnetic fields help to improve motor performance and joint function, which is a valuable aid to the good health of our hands.

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