Some studies confirm the correlation between climate change and joint pain, especially for those suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.

With the change in atmospheric pressure, even more so for previously affected joints, there would seem to be an increase in the extracellular fluids and a consequent state of inflammation.

One of the most authoritative studies on the subject is that conducted by a team of researchers from Manchester. The project, called "Cloudy with a chance of pain", consisted of monitoring over 13,000 UK residents suffering from chronic bone diseases for 15 months.

All members, thanks to a specific app indicated their daily psychophysical state.

By intertwining the data with atmospheric precipitation, it was possible to confirm that

Days with higher humidity, lower pressure and stronger winds are more likely to be associated with high pain days.
This confirmation, not trivial at all, was of great support to patients, as it allowed them to take better control of their lives, reorganizing it in relation to the weather.

For those suffering from chronic joint pain, magnetotherapy represents a valid ally. Electromagnetic waves, in fact, combine anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, reducing inflammation and associated pain.

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